What is Engagement and Why Should I Care?
Engagement has almost become a buzz word in business and marketing. It seems everyone is chasing high engagement as the ultimate metric to achieve with followers, customers and staff. But what does engagement really mean and how impactful is it?

Simple SEO Strategies to Improve Search Ranking
Every business would love to rank on the first page of Google, but how do you compete without the resources some of these large companies have in their back pocket? Here are some simple SEO strategies to improve search ranking.

Delivering Deals Digitally with Search Marketing
Directwest works with a contractor that has adjusted their business model to improve the customer experience. Learn how our team of Google experts was able to help.

Search Marketing is an Essential Tool for your Marketing Plan
Our Digital Strategist Jeff Allers is featured in this month’s Business Voice magazine in an article about the power of Search Marketing.

Simple Tricks for DIY Video Success
Video is forecasted to be a leading marketing medium in 2022, and with technology becoming increasingly more user-friendly, it has never been easier to try it yourself.