Staying Competitive: How to Handle External Factors You Can’t Control
Last fall we blogged about the internal factors directly challenging small businesses in Canada. By outlining what a SMB can do to stay competitive we helped to focus the time and energy needed to successfully manage all the internal moving parts of a business. This...

AI – Won’t take Your Job Anytime Soon
No longer an idea of the future, AI is everywhere you look; in business software, on personal devices, gaming consoles, you name it. AI opens up endless possibilities and while the list of things it CAN do is extensive, there are still lots of things it CAN’T do, at...

Will SEO still be relevant in 2025?
Our team recently launched a new Search Engine Optimization (SEO) product. Participating in the training sessions was not only informative but also eye-opening for me. One of the first questions from our team? Is SEO still relevant in 2025? Posed as a question...

Don’t Click on YOUR Paid Ads: Here’s Why
The title of this blog reminds me of the “do” and “don’t” lists we often received in school—helping us understand what actions to take and what to avoid. Since everyone processes information differently, approaching topics from both angles can enhance comprehension....

Staying Competitive: Internal Factors You Can Control
Staying competitive as a small business can be challenging. In Canada, between 2016 and 2020, the number of small businesses that disappeared annually was just over 96,000[1]. Many factors play into a business closing its doors; some a business owner can control...