Starting A Business: Online Promotion

July 25, 2023

In the first of this 3-part series, we detailed a number of reasons why it’s important to define your brand when starting a business, as well as some steps to create a clear brand identity. Now, we want to help you understand what you need to do to get your business known by the masses!

Starting a new business can be an exciting (and nerve-wracking) venture, but the key to your success lies in gaining recognition and visibility amongst your target audience. It’s important for business owners to employ several different methods in order to reach a wide audience. Below, we’ve outlined some key steps that you can take to effectively promote your new business and establish a strong presence amongst your competitors in the market.

Website: Creating a professional website that showcases your products and/or services, offers important information for your potential customers, and is user-friendly, is going to be a vital part of your business’s early success. Optimizing your website for search engines such as Google will help your website rank higher in search results and increase its visibility. At Directwest, we can help you with ongoing content updates and search engine optimization, after your website is built.

Social Media: Creating business pages on social media platforms can be a great way to increase awareness of your business. While all the platforms may not be a good fit, you’ll likely want to be on Facebook and LinkedIn at the very least. You may also want to look at other platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat if your target audience can be found there. Posting content regularly and interacting with your followers is a great way to foster brand loyalty for your business. Check out our Social Media Dashboard for an easy way to schedule posts and access your analytics.

Content Marketing: This is an extremely effective way to educate and engage your audience while showcasing yourself as an expert in your industry. Creating blog posts, videos, podcasts, or infographics will provide significant value to your customers, and you can then share that content on your website as well as the social media platforms you’ve already created. Encouraging your audience to engage with your posts by commenting and liking can help increase your reach and get in front of even more potential customers.

Digital Advertising: The most powerful tool to promote your new business and reach a large audience is digital advertising. While you’re building your organic audience, digital advertising can be a shortcut to get your business seen by potential customers. Consider investing in online advertising platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads or invest in video by advertising on YouTube. At Directwest, we’re a certified Google Partner with an expert Search Marketing team that can help you get found online wherever and whenever you need, and we’ll develop engaging ad copy and visuals to encourage click-throughs to your website.

Promoting a new business requires a well-rounded approach with a variety of methods to make sure you are reaching as many people as possible. By following these steps, new business owners can significantly increase their chances of establishing a strong foothold in their market. If you or someone you know is starting a new business and need help reaching an audience, reach out to us at 1-800-667-8201 or submit an online form here.

Stay tuned for the last part of our guide, Utilizing Customer Feedback!