Solving Recruitment Challenges with Search Marketing

January 26, 2022

Directwest is currently conducting an online survey of our business customers to better understand their needs and challenges. The early results of Directwest’s 2022 survey suggest that staff recruitment and retention is a common issue facing our business customers. Those of us living in Saskatchewan’s cities are getting used to seeing “Help Wanted” signs everywhere. Employment websites are becoming increasingly crowded as businesses need to not only attract candidates but compete with other local and national businesses for them.

And many businesses need employees with a very specialized skill set and a high level of commitment to their clients. Some of those businesses have experienced success working with our Search Marketing team. Our team develops Google Ads, LinkedIn and even Facebook campaigns as a recruitment tool to rise above the noise that exists on job websites like, and

A well-designed recruitment strategy using Google Ads, LinkedIn and Facebook allows superb targeting of your messages. Candidates can be targeted by the demographics and geographic locations of the most relevant candidates. LinkedIn messages can even be targeted by profession, qualifications, and experience! And our team can continue to fine tune the message and the targeting throughout the campaign to ensure optimal results.

Here are a couple of examples of Directwest assisting businesses with their growth and recruitment needs:

  • A company with a Saskatchewan office decided to open an expansion office in the United States. They needed to fill every role in that new office – from administrative staff to skilled field workers. Our Search Marketing team helped them reach qualified, motivated candidates. A 3-month campaign delivered about 1,700 clicks and got their new location established.
  • A locally owned Saskatchewan business needed technically skilled staff. Their 3-month campaign generated approximately 2,000 clicks, helping them remain staffed and successful.

Recruitment and retention of employees will continue to be a major challenge throughout 2022. Talk to our experienced Search Marketing team today about how you can quickly and efficiently reach the right prospective employees. Find out more about our Search Marketing services here, or reach out to us here!