Delivering Deals Digitally with Search Marketing

March 28, 2022
Directwest works with a contractor in a large Saskatchewan centre that has adjusted their business model to improve the customer experience. The business understands that while homeowners occasionally need emergency services, they do not like paying overtime charges.  They also offer seasonal promotions, knowing that customers love a deal. The business asked Directwest to help raise awareness among Regina homeowners about their business model and specials.  Our team answered the call with a campaign to put the business message in front of homeowners right when their services are being searched for. After 16 months, the awareness campaign generates an average of 39 leads with an estimated value of almost $8000 each month.  With a total of $126,000 brought in to date, the customer is receiving a return on their marketing investment of over 426%, in addition to the increased awareness they were seeking for their brand.
If you’re looking for a way to get deals in front of customers looking to buy, reach out to a Directwest Media Advisor to talk about your options with Search Marketing.