There is no finer ambassador for a company than a satisfied customer. While setting the customer service bar high is what every good company strives for, a customer testimonial can provide proof of quality through first-hand experience. Add a video component and it takes things to a completely different level!
That is the rationale behind video testimonials that we recently created to highlight some of the real businesses we work with.
“Video testimonials allow potential customers to see and hear real businesses in Saskatchewan sharing their experiences with Directwest,” said Danny Loughren, Marketing Manager. “People tend to remember more than 95 percent of a message when it’s watched in a video as opposed to just 10 percent when reading it in a text, which means the message is much more likely to stick with viewers.”
“Video is also a preferred content form for many people now as platforms like YouTube have billions of users. Videos are also more likely to be shared which can help reach a wider audience.”
The two recent video testimonials we created highlight real customers and the real benefits they see from working with us. The two companies featured are the Copper Kettle Restaurant in Regina and Thorsness Appliance in Yorkton.
“We selected these businesses as Directwest has longstanding relationships with them and both businesses utilize a number of our products and services,” said Danny. “Both businesses are incredibly happy with the services we provide them and the results that they are getting from those services.”
In the Copper Kettle video, owner Anna Gardikiotis speaks highly of the service we provide for her restaurant, including search marketing (a tactic used to gain online presence and traffic via paid strategies on search engines and other media platforms) and the recent relaunch of their website.
“The products and services and support that we’ve received from them (Directwest) has been very invaluable,” said Anna. “I would recommend Directwest as a partner for your branding and marketing solutions here locally in Regina.”
Mike McIntyre of Thorsness Appliance has also been pleased with the service we provide. His company has made the most of our services involving social media and digital billboard advertising.
“Our experience with Directwest has been very good,” said Mike. “They give us great ideas, answer all our questions and help us with everything we need. I highly recommend them to others.”
Need help with any part of your advertising mix? Reach out to us today so we can help you promote your business in all the right places.